Posted by: GregDeTisi | March 30, 2011

Good Debt VS Bad Debt

When you are in the process of parting with your hard earned cash you might want to consider a few things first of all.

Firstly is what you are buying going to give you a long lasting pleasure and be a great investment to your life? I know that it is easy to find pleasures and to blow money every now and then but what I am saying is that how much you spend on rubbish can be destroying your future.

For example with the way the world is going in the global economy you won’t get much help from governments or organisations when you retire. You are buying stuff now that might give you a fix of temporary nature but what long lasting affect will it have on your future lifestyle?

Debt is measured by how much you borrow and how much can be paid back versus what the possible return could be.

So if you borrow money to blow money then when you pay that money back you aren’t getting any long lasting return or reason for borrowing in the first place. Bad Debt is doing exactly that. Borrowing money for no real reason exept the fact that you ‘want’ something badly enough like a ‘desire’.

Good Debt though means that if you wanted to start an enterprise or a new venture of some kind then you might borrow money off of an organisation or off of a friend maybe? This means that you are borrowing the money to use it in a ‘constructive’ way where high returns are likely depending on the soundness of your venture idea. So if you have a sound system of business you can work with to bolster your future income and give you a retirement fund then it is worth maybe borrowing some money for this.

Therefore this is classed as good debt. Many great’s of our time have used good debt to fund their enterprises. People like Donald Trump and Bill Gates have used this idea. Now I am not saying that you should approach a friend and ask for $10k ‘unless’ you have done your homework and preparation to position yourself well in learning the figures and determining the returns you are likely to get depending on the soundness of the system or product.

So bad debt is aimless spending with no returns.

Good Debt is planned borrowing that will likely be giving you a high return on your efforts. If you have a problem with borrowing from a friend then offer an interest payment to them for their confidence in you. Or you might want to find out about borrowing with a bank or with your mortgage again depending on your confidence of the business you are going into.

I found that this is very useful when you have a business plan and you are determined to make the change based on your longterm desire for a better life then you go into the situation with your heart and mind working as a team.

I also found that when you are trying to better your life and start a business, you might want to consider a business where you don’t have to invest more than $50k. Why this amount? Well if you start a franchise or a traditional business you will have alot to consider like staffing issues and rent for a building not to mention overheads of stock and storage. Then you will have to turn a profit whilst dealing will many differentials to add to the stress of trying to follow your passion for freedom and a life with your family.

Don’t panic though though because for under $50k you can get started in your own Internet Business.

For alot less than that you can be in business with no headaches and no staff plus no storage or overheads of a building’s rent. You just need to find the right system and someone who is doing this successfully. Don’t go throwing a ton of cash at something you don’t understand or that hasn’t got many good reviews.

It is just a thought but you might want to outsource some of the things you don’t understand, I did. Take my word for it I struggled with throwing money at various online ventures but I soon realised that I must ‘learn’ from experts in this area. That is what I did personally. Well I wish you luck with using your Good Debt instead of Bad Debt, you can change the habit and leverage your loan.

Next time you go to spend money on something temporary remember that you do have a future and that if you want a secure one you might want to learn more about Investing your money using Good Debt.

Posted by: GregDeTisi | March 11, 2011

Brand Awareness: Getting yourself seen

Listen Let’s Cut To The Chase Here!

You and I both know that the branding I’m talking about is not putting a red hot poker on a cow’s backside! Well I might write about that another time but for now let’s talk about branding yourself. ‘NO’ not with a poker silly billy but with things like social media tools and Blogging.

The big companies in the world are very good at this, they have alot of money to throw at advertising and costs to market their products right. When a product sells well then the company make big bucks and they can afford to run big ad’s that grab our attention and seduce us into buying what they offer. All of us at some point and quite often are slaves to advertising whether we like it or not.

What I do and you might want to do is to get yourself into a position where you have many people following your brand or your ‘name’. So how can you achieve this? Firstly you need to get your name to be associated with trust and quality products so golden rule No1 is ‘stop trying to sell’. Yes really stop it. People are sick and tired of people selling to them, myself included. Gone are the days of the hard sell at least with experts online. You have to learn to send people to more information that you are offering so that they become an investor in you for the future.

Secondly give huge value and content without expecting anything in return. That’s right don’t expect anything back. But come on are you serious? I sure am! Listen you want to build a relationship so don’t go getting greedy just be a friend and offer your advice. The Law of attraction states that Like attracts Like, so whether you believe it or not, giving is the way to get more back.

Many Huge Companies Now Are Realising The Power Of Social Media.

Huge numbers of big players are now using YouTube to create a buzz, this is because it is FREE. You also have the luxury of using YouTube so this means that you can send thousands of people to your video which then leads to your Blog, Comprenda? So essentially you have the same clout as the big companies in this area.

You watch TV adverts right? Many big brands use TV and radio to sell. This will cost you a small fortune though, and besides you and I haven’t got that kind of budget, have you? If you have then go and retire and stop reading this because I am jealous!:) I am guessing though that you haven’t yet?

So based on the fact that our budgets are quite modest, you may want to exploit the whole social media Gig to expose your brand? I don’t know about you but I could do with spending less and reaping huge rewards for my efforts? of course right!

So knowing that we all are seduced by brands every day we can learn alot by the fact that we need to be in front of others who might want to buy from us or join our business ok. This means getting video’s on YouTube and using facebook daily by adding comments and interacting with members and also joining groups of similar themes so you can mingle with others. Get onto Twitter and start adding tweets and re-tweeting well known Tweeters etc! Start a Blog on WordPress or Blogger or both and start adding posts and add your amazing video’s to your Blog. Make sure you Ping your Blog Posts aswell. This means that once you complete your blog post you simply type in ‘Pinging’ into the Google search bar and it will bring up various sites that will allow you to share your Blog post to many other sites, cool huh!

So What Drives You?

What do you love to do? What is your motivation for getting up? You have to know your reason or your ‘Why’ before you can set about branding who and what you stand for. Without knowing where you are coming from how can others?

Start to write Articles in Ezine Write about what you know and what your niche is and at the bottom of your article you will add the url to your Blog. This is all about connecting the pieces together. Oh by the way have you got a Fanpage on Facebook yet? No! What are you waiting for. Get over there and set up a Fanpage and start asking people to ‘LIKE’ your page. You will want to make your page look good with some slick graphics if possible so that you are presenting yourself as a cool modern guy/gal!

Do you use Digg? Here you can follow people and they can follow you and you can Digg a site that is appropriate to you and that you want to share. This will give you a list of Digg’s that you have added thus creating a kind of theme for you and building a picture of what interests you too. Have business cards? Man you are missing out on a smoking hot area here. You can get free business cards from VistaPrint who will give you your first 250 cards for free and you can design the cards too. So when you are travelling around and you get into a conversation you can slip out one of your cards because they kind of know you and trust you already, you see!:)

There are many other social sites online that you can join and start building a profile in. Make sure you add tons of photo’s of yourself and your life so that people can relate to you. Flicker is great for uploading a ton of photo’s of yourself and you can add Flicker to your blog and your other social sites.

Sharing Sites is also a great way to build relationships. StumbleUpon is a site where you can share a website that you love with others so they get to view it and rate it. I tend to upload my own video’s there of course as they are so amazing, Yuckkk just kidding!:) But you can add value there and really start getting a name for yourself.

Now that you are professional you will want to join LinkedIn also. This is where your Pro Profile is shared with other Pro’s and you can get a great name for yourself and your talents there. Build a good picture of yourself and again join groups which you are similar to and just network there.

Hey I am done for now but I hope this may of helped you a bit? Happy Branding!

Oh by the way do you want to check out how my Mentor and friend used Branding to create $23K in a single month online? Read the letter here >>

Posted by: GregDeTisi | March 7, 2011

You Need To Have a Good Mentor To Succeed!

Get a good Mentor. Someone who has achieved what you want to Achieve.

Posted by: GregDeTisi | February 14, 2011

STOP PRESS! Carbon Copy Pro have done it again!

Carbon Copy Pro have just announced the release of their new product line.

Within this product line there are many levels of purchasing available to the customer/member. Using the latest and greatest products for financial education from a multi Millionaire author they have got the lions share of the market online. It is no surprise then that they are the No1 company in the internet Marketing arena.

Greg De Tisi who is a Partner in the business said, ” Anyone coming into this business should feel very lucky that they found this outstanding company to attain massive wealth!” Carbon Copy Pro are now in over 190 countries and have made many wealthy people from all walks of life.

With the new range of products they now have, Carbon Copy Pro are expanding with huge momentum. The reputation of the company is second to none and they are set to expose these amazing new products by the top guru in financial growth today.

Unlike the over hyped over sold pushy so called opportunities out there they are as they describe, A financial Education and Marketing Learning Platform, ‘NOT’ just another opportunity.

Greg De Tisi who operates his business from his home in Bristol UK also said ” I just love the freedom to travel the globe and I love to help others get the the kind of success they deserve in life!” He also said, “It is thanks to the founders of this outstanding business that I can now live my passion and have the Integrity to promote the best products on earth whilst coaching the other members to success!”

Carbon Copy Pro offer you something very special, something which is not being done in such a way anywhere else. Greg said “The system is set up to simply ‘Copy’ what the successful are already doing, so it is just a matter of plugging into the teaching’s of the greatest entrepreneurs in the field and discovering what you are capable of”!

Finally Greg also mentioned that, “You must find a good system and the best coaches in the industry to reach your goals”! He said he owes this combination to his continued rise to the top of the company”!

In short you might want to check out this No1 product line and see for yourself what they can offer you. Bare in mind though that they are not free to join but you have to apply to work with a Professional Leader and Mentor. For more information you can visit Greg’s personal site where you can get the latest information on what’s happening.

Go here right away

Posted by: GregDeTisi | January 23, 2011

Marketing Leaders: What Motivates Your Members?

When you know your ‘why’ it is an amazing thing that will allow you to laser focus on your goals and stay motivated.
Knowing others ‘why’ though is another thing. When you can understand where a person is coming from and where they want to go you can then assist them in planning what actions they need to take in order to reach their desired outcome. Being a true leader means to serve with your heart and when you do that you will see astounding results in your own business.

Take time to get to know the person you are bringing into business, and then they will feel that you care and that you are there for them, and this is what will make the difference between someone staying with you or leaving you. A simple process but one in which too many people just don’t put the effort in and then wonder why they still are not making an income online.

Just a bit of effort goes a long way.

Posted by: GregDeTisi | December 28, 2010

How to gain respect through the use of language!

When you are in business you want to be leading your field so, you want to be well-respected by others.

Your use of language can determine how much people respect you, your time, your business and your authority. The best way to demonstrate this is to give you two examples:

1 Giving your power away here’s an example.

Hi John I am sorry that I couldn’t get through to you so please forgive me and thank you for your patience. Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime and I can re-book you whenever you like.


2 Here is how I would say the above sentence as follows.

Hi John this is Greg De Tisi. I am contacting you to re-book our appointment. Can you e-mail me with a more appropriate time to have our meeting and I will confirm this once I receive your message ok.

You can see the difference here. Be sure of yourself as you are not being rude you are just being assertive, and that is actually more polite and truthful. As an International business person you are directing the message and controlling it. People will respect you more and your time when you are direct. Make sense?

Keep what you say with your contacts clear, concise and simple.

Remember you are the one controlling this appointment so you are the one who has to manage your valuable time. In order for people to treat you as an expert you have to behave as one. The more you behave in this manner the more people will associate you with personal and professional business conduct and they will want to be more like you.

It is great to have a conversation with people of course but there is a time for leisurely conversation and a time for specific arrangements to keep the subject clear to both of you. Presentation of power demonstrates that you are not needy but in-fact sure and relaxed. Fill others with confidence by being confident even if you have limited knowledge at the beginning you can still have a confident demeanour.

The use of language can sometimes mean we have barriers but this doesn’t change the fact that you can come across as the confident assertive business person anyway. Limited knowledge of the language simply means you have a common problem to many but you are still in charge of your business and your time.

There are very serious people out there who can add benefits to your organisation and be a great asset to your business and also many hungry buyers for your products and services, so your job is getting them to trust and respect you. What is it that you are offering that others don’t? Connect with them on a level which is greater than the situation they are already in and they will want to be a part of that.

Many people have had many struggles and let down’s in this area of business so you will want to be a remedy for them. Being a trustworthy and strong individual will allow them to look up to you and trust you to be there when you say you will. It is better to be honest with someone as this will create the bond and rapport between you.

You are in control of your life and your actions and the more you realise this the more people will realise it aswell so adjust your ways and your thinking to adopt your new and supportive actions and you will be rewarded for your approach.

Posted by: GregDeTisi | December 18, 2010

My Business partner Lena Bjorna’s Testimonial

Check out what my Business Partner and great Leader Lena Bjorna says about how she got where she is now! Amazing stuff right here!:) This also shows you that you can create this kind of lifestyle for yourself and begin right now where you stand with what you already possess to take the action required to get you earning online very quickly. It doesn’t matter where you are now or what background you come from, what matters is that you are prepared to do whatever it takes to get success. When you decide that and make a decision to keep on keeping on then you will find ways to help get what you have always dreamed of.

Remember this, ‘Anything is possible so don’t stop dreaming!’

“I was what you would consider an MLM failure. Even though I did everything my upline instructed me to do I never saw ANY growth in my business… And while trying to build a residual income I was really only spending myself into a hole.

When I found this particular program, I researched everything for one full month before I joined. I wanted to be 100% certain that I was making the right choice. And today, just a year-and-a-half later, I am thrilled to say that it has turned out to be everything that I hoped for – and a LOT more.

I now work my business full time from home and from various places around the world as my husband and I travel with our laptops. We have downline team members in close to 20 countries, have become top earners and award winning marketers with our company, and in the midst of the current recession, our business only continues to flourish.

What a difference the right tools and the right marketing training can make!”

Lena B., California

So what is Lena’s secret for success? Check out the video below,

Posted by: GregDeTisi | December 15, 2010

The Letter that has been changing lives!

This letter is the treasure map to follow which will change your financial future forever if you just follow the instructions.

I have to say that it’s been a very long time in the making. Once I discovered the closely guarded secrets of the the top 3% of earners online I grabbed this with both hands. Whatever the reason that you came here it is fortunate for you that you can now get to read this letter for yourself.

I ‘Greg De Tisi’ have found no other piece of information that is so significant in changing not only my income but my mindset for future business rewards and transactions. I am not going to bang on about it right now but instead invite you to go over and read it for yourself.

Read it carefully and then take the necessary action required to take you to the next step. All you have to do is copy what others are doing right now and have already done to become free of the stress and low incomes of being a hardworking Networker/online Marketer.

The Marketing Formula below is the beginning of the rest of your life from now on. Take it and run, and when you see the results make sure you share it with others in order for you to gain the greatest financial reward in exchange for the information.

Posted by: GregDeTisi | December 14, 2010

Advertising on Google


I have found out many new things to assist me in my online marketing arsenal but few really match up to this.

The reason for this is that there are few advertising platforms quite like Google. You already know that though right? Well if you go marching into Google with your new landing page and dollars to set up an Adwords campaign then beware. Why? Because these guys are the giants of the internet and if you try and fool these guys you will lose. In simple terms you will want to not go onto Adwords all guns blazing with an obvious page that is designed to lure in sales and that is a standard Affiliate page. This looks amateurish and they will immediately suspend your account. This could result in you being banned for life!

So what to do? Well for starters are you an amateur or a professional? If you are still an amateur in the Internet Marketing arena you will want to learn alot more about the respective advertising solution you choose to excel in. You will end up wasting time and money and maybe get banned from Google. Oops! You really don’t want that, do you! So begin by asking yourself what answer you are providing to the visitor of your page. What is it that is unique and valuable to them?

Your page should be adding value to their life even if they don’t opt into your page.

Why is it that they will want to buy from you anyway? A few tips might include, Show yourself on the page and write some great content for your visitor/customer/subscriber. Use a personal website like a blog or a personal website to build the trust between you. Have a relevant domain name for example if you are trying to sell blog tips then have a domain that says so that it is relevant to your product or service.

Remember to engage with the person right away so that they stay on your page and connect with you.

Google can ban anyone for many reasons and it’s because they have to maintain their standard and make sure that the customer or end user has the best experience when they are searching online. This makes absolute sense really doesn’t it. So we must ensure we follow the rules and be a professional at all times and also if you want to create an income for life or a residual income from home you have to present yourself in a professional manner in order to stay on Google. This will start to convert your visitors into sales conversions.

You have to be very aware of the fact that if you just see dollar signs when promoting you really are going the wrong way about it. You have to ask how you will be enriching the person’s experience. A great way of doing this is to ask yourself what sites you have opted into. What appealed to you? Give them the answer or a teaser in your page so that it builds curiosity and encourages them to opt in. This is very different to being pushy and just looking for the sale.

If you want a respectable income then you have to be respectable in your approach with marketing.

This is particularly when using Google Adwords. Become more skilled in your craft and you will become more in demand. When you open an Adwords account make sure you ‘read the rules’ so that you know what to do and how to avoid getting banned for life. Take this seriously and you will paid seriously also.

Finally you will want people to respond to your efforts and for them to not ignore you as some business opportunity, scam or junk program that doesn’t reflect your personality or expertese. Take the time to get it right because this will be a massive impact on your global presence if you get it wrong.

Posted by: GregDeTisi | December 8, 2010

Goal Setting

I am talking about setting goals to find your ‘why’ and then achieiving those goals to get you to your ‘why’.

Finding the right system and mentor to work with is also essential. Set small goals to begin with and then increase them as you start to achieve success. This is not rocket science because I am doing it and I no Brain surgeon!:) Did I spell that right? Anyway I learned the hard way by not doing this and then once I began taking small yet simple steps it helped me go from strength to strength.

It is important then to ensure that your goals are alligned with a true purpose.

What is it you want to do? What is your calling? You must allign your goals with what what you feel is the right business for you. You might ask yourself well ‘I want to work online and make a ton of money’! NOT ENOUGH SORRY! You have to KNOW why you are doing this and what area of online marketing you could excel in. You see it’s about defining you reason for doing this firstly and then setting goals to begin the journey.

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